
How CTSI advances research careers

Advancing Research Careers: Two Investigators Share Their Take

Mentorship. Resources. Educational seminars. These are just a few things that came to mind when we asked researchers how the Clinical and Translational Science Institute helped them be more successful. In our latest video, two scholars in…
Dr. Rebecca Shlafer Next To Classroom

CTSI-Funded Research Team Secures Legislative Victory

A community-University research team successfully influenced public policy earlier this month, when Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton signed a bill that helps care for pregnant, incarcerated women and their babies. Dr. Rebecca Shlafer, an…
How CTSI can help you video still

Two Faculty Investigators Describe How CTSI Has Impacted Their Research Careers

The Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) has released a new video in which two U of M faculty researchers - Drs. Bhargava and Shlafer - talk about how CTSI has helped them be more successful.
Aaron Kelly, PhD, and Jennifer Abuzzahab, MD

Community Collaborative Grant Recipients Published in JAMA Pediatrics, Results Garner Media Attention

Medical School Assistant Professor Aaron Kelly, PhD, and Jennifer Abuzzahab, MD, Children's Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota, received a Community Collaborative Grant from CTSI in 2010 to study the effects of the drug exenatide on…

Year in Review

The University of Minnesota joined the national Clinical and Translational Science Award consortium in June 2011. Since then, CTSI has been hard at work building a new kind of infrastructure for research--one that is financially…

U of M Receives $51 Million Clinical and Translational Science Award

The University of Minnesota has been awarded a $51 million Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The grant is the largest single-institution grant in the history of the University, and…